Costume Hire

Looking for something special or crazy to wear for a party or formal gathering?  Try Amdram costume hire, a huge range of period costumes and themed outfits for all ages. 

Whether you are looking for something for yourself, a school production, themed event or just need help or some information, contact Mary on 027 721 9073


$25 per Costume + $25 returnable deposit

Opening Hours  

Wednesday's 10:00am to 2:00pm

Thursday's 7:00pm to 8:30pm

Calling Volunteers

We are looking for people to join our awesome team of volunteers at Amdram's costume hire. We are currently working on cataloging all of our amazing costumes and always need people to join our roster for Thursday night opening hours.

Amdram Wardrobe supplies coustuming needs for theatres around the country, local drama and school productions and also the film and television industy.

Want to be involved?  Give Mary a call on 027 721 9073

Contact us for more information, or just drop in on a Thursday evening!